Hand-Drawn Maps Of London: A Cycling Diagonal

By M@ Last edited 169 months ago

Last Updated 16 January 2011

Hand-Drawn Maps Of London: A Cycling Diagonal

Thanks to everyone who's sent in a map of their area so far. Keep them coming!

Today's comes from Cara Rodway.

"This map represents my diagonal cycling route to work, going from Tottenham to Aldwych.  For those who may be interested in such details, the route follows LCN routes 10 and 8 for most of the way."

Cara's map exemplifies the spirit of this series - mapping London with personal experiences and observations rather than accurate cartography. More please!

If you'd like to have a go at doodling your own neighbourhood, send images to tips - at - londonist.com. To be considered for our upcoming exhibition at the Museum of London, you'll need to get the hard copy to us by the end of next week (address supplied upon application).

Previously: Albertopolis, Angel to Bankside, Borough of Southwark, Brixton as a tree, Central London, District Line (Wimbledon Branch), Central London with no street names, Driver's Mind Map, Fleet Valley, Hackney, Hampstead Heath, Hoxton Square, London as a grid, King's Cross and Islington, Mayfair, Mayfair Squares, New Cross, New Cross (the fields of), Notting Hill, Paris versus London, Patchwork London, Pimlico, River Fleet, Rivers, Stoke Newington, Stratford, Toilets, Walthamstow by mother and daughter, West Hampstead, Westminster kettling.