Hand-Drawn Maps Of London: Hackney

By M@ Last edited 169 months ago

Last Updated 12 January 2011

Hand-Drawn Maps Of London: Hackney

Alexander Schmidt has clearly taken some time over this staggering map of central Hackney. The chart shows seemingly every building in the area, with fine detailing on some of the houses. Alex explains the process behind its creation in equal detail:

Pieced together from memory and imagination, my map combines elements based on reality, but filtered through memory, creating a mish-mash, or not always necessarily spatially or geographically correct representations of urban space. The production of this map provides a different sense of space to conventional bird's eye view maps, because the elements of the houses, their textures and facades are an important element of the sense memory of walking these streets. My approach to this reality is leisurely and highly intuitive, and I avoid any demographic statement or restricted study on the social nature of the population. Using items taken from observing my own surroundings as models for my drawings, I bring an interpretation or design to this environment, enhanced by an anti-perspective dimension. This is contrasted with a situation of instability of architecture. My contribution is as fictitious as it is comprehensive, with possible staging in which different fictions develop.

We're not sure if anyone's invented the sport of 'extreme mapping' yet, but this would be a good example.

Click for larger image.
Click for larger image.

Remember, the best entries in this series will be showcased in an exhibition at the Museum of London (in the main entrance foyer, and for up to six months!). If you fancy being part of that, get scribbling now. We're looking for hand-drawn depictions of London neighbourhoods, or London as a whole. Feel free to pick unusual themes or styles and don't worry if your artistry isn't perfect - ideas and humour are just as important. Send any entries to tips - at - londonist.com by the end of next week.

Previously: Angel to Bankside, Borough of Southwark, Brixton as a tree, Central London, District Line (Wimbledon Branch), Hampstead Heath, Central London with no street names, Driver's Mind Map, Fleet Valley, Hoxton Square, London as a grid, King's Cross and Islington, Mayfair, Mayfair Squares, New Cross, Notting Hill, Paris versus London, Patchwork London, Pimlico, River Fleet, Rivers, Stoke Newington, Stratford, Toilets, Walthamstow by mother and daughter, Westminster kettling.