Hand-Drawn Maps of London: #2 Notting Hill

By M@ Last edited 178 months ago

Last Updated 05 March 2010

Hand-Drawn Maps of London: #2 Notting Hill


We asked you to draw maps of your local areas and you didn't disappoint. Here's the first in what will surely be a long-running series, courtesy of reader Jorge Ruiz. He's highlighted his favourite things about Notting Hill, including plenty of pubs, some ducks and the 'fake houses' of Leinster Gardens. Did he miss anything? What would you add?

Note: to increase the image size, hitting Ctrl and '+' should enlarge the page in most browsers (at least on a PC).

Feeling inspired? Doodle your own neighbourhood and send a photo in to [email protected]. Please make sure labels are reasonably large so they're easy to read in our column width.

Previously: Hampstead Heath.