Hand-Drawn Maps: The River Fleet

By M@ Last edited 165 months ago

Last Updated 03 December 2010

Hand-Drawn Maps: The River Fleet

This week's map shows the River Fleet, the ancient watercourse that runs from Hampstead Heath down to Blackfriars. As most readers will know (and we've seen first hand), the river is now entirely underground and used as a sewer, but you can still pick out its course in the sloping streets of its former banks and, occasionally, a telltale street name. Reader Simon Dovar is one of many to be intrigued by this vanished river, and has put together a map of its route:

I did a bit of research to trace the path of the lost River Fleet as it meanders under the streets of London. As you can see the map is completely hand drawn in pencil as well as the street indicators. The river is indicated by the rubbed out streets.

Nice touch - a vanished watercourse marked out in erased pencil lead.

We're still looking for further hand-drawn maps to include in the series. The best ones will feature in our upcoming exhibition at the Museum of London in April. So if you're stuck inside this weekend, why not put pens to paper and doodle your local neighbourhood, or London through the eyes of a dog, or anything you fancy really. Here's some inspiration:

Previously: Angel to Bankside, Borough of Southwark, Brixton as a tree, Central London, Hampstead Heath, Central London with no street names, Driver's Mind Map, Fleet Valley, Hoxton Square, London as a grid, King's Cross and Islington, Mayfair, Mayfair Squares, New Cross, Notting Hill, Paris versus London, Pimlico, Rivers, Stoke Newington, Walthamstow by mother and daughter, Westminster kettling.