Hand-Drawn Maps of London: Brixton as a Tree

By M@ Last edited 177 months ago

Last Updated 16 April 2010

Hand-Drawn Maps of London: Brixton as a Tree


This arboreal representation of Brixton comes from reader Liam Roberts, who does a great job of describing his creation:

[Here is] Brixton, rendered as a tree, featuring a few of the great treasures of the neighbourhood - i.e. pubs and cafes that I make a habit of frequenting! You'll notice that north is "down" and south is "up" - partly because Brixton's roads better resemble a branching, forking tree this way, and I guess there's also an antipodean streak in me (strange as a Canadian) that would like to see the south treated as "top" wherever possible. The tree is drawing water from London's great giver of life, the Thames, depicted here as part of the underground watertable. Some of my favourite unique and characterful pubs and cafes are represented here either as hanging fruit, or as nests: I thought this made sense as these places can be sources of sweet sustenance, as well as temporary dwellings.

Beautiful, we hope you'll agree.

More maps needed!

However weak or strong your artistic skills, we want to see your take on a local London area. Be as inventive as you like. Please send images to [email protected].

Previously: Hampstead Heath, Notting Hill, King's Cross and Islington, Stoke Newington, central London, New Cross, Mayfair.