Hand-Drawn Maps of London: Where The Streets Have No Names

By M@ Last edited 176 months ago

Last Updated 14 May 2010

Hand-Drawn Maps of London: Where The Streets Have No Names


Click map for full resolution.

This week's entry is a tribute to dogged determination in the face of acute tedium. This freehand drawing of London includes every road in central London minus the labels (with two exceptions). It is the work of worldofchris, who describes his methods thus:

I photocopied the pages from the A-Z, stuck them together, pinned them to the wall and then drew it 'from life' as it were... I have a very poor visual memory, I can only really work from life.

More maps needed. We're still on the lookout for further instalments to this series. No matter what your artistic skill, we're interested in seeing your interpretation of a local area or (as in today's example) London as a whole. Send entries to [email protected].

Previously: Brixton as a tree, Central London, Hampstead Heath, London as a grid, King's Cross and Islington, Mayfair, Mayfair Squares, New Cross, Notting Hill, Pimlico, Stoke Newington.