The Best Pubs In Walthamstow

By M@ Last edited 123 months ago

Last Updated 03 November 2014

The Best Pubs In Walthamstow

Image via Google Street View.

We asked you to nominate your favourite pubs in E17. We received more votes for this one than usual; there's clearly a lot of passion for the Stow. So here's how you voted. See below for details on how to join the pub crawl we'll be organising around the top five.


1. Ye Olde Rose and Crown, 70 votes
2. The Bell, 49 votes
3. The Nag's Head, 31 votes
4. Wild Card Brewery, 25 votes
5. The Chequers, 20 votes
6. The Warrant Officer, 8 votes
=7. The Village, 7 votes
=7. Mother's Ruin, 7 votes
9. The Castle
10. The William Morris, 5 votes

Let's all congratulate @roseandcrownpub for a runaway victory.

Map of the best pubs in Walthamstow

Pubs marked with a green star were our top five, and will feature in our upcoming pub crawl (see below). Red pins show all other nominated pubs.

The Walthamstow Pub Crawl

This will take place on Saturday 15 November. Here's the plan:

From 2pm: Meet in The Bell, Forest Road
3.30pm: Ye Olde Rose and Crown
5pm: The Chequers
6.30pm: The Nag's Head
8pm: Wild Card Brewery

If you'd like to join us, please email [email protected] so we can keep an eye on numbers (we don't want to overwhelm any of the bars with a large group).

Londonist Pub Crawls

Having completed an ‘A-Z’ of areas, we’re now choosing other interesting parts of town. Vote-winning pubs will be added to our Best Pubs in London microsite.