What's The Best Pub In Brixton?

By M@ Last edited 155 months ago

Last Updated 15 March 2012

What's The Best Pub In Brixton?

The Trinity Arms, from Street View.

Part 'B' of our two-year alphabetical pub crawl around London.

Last week, we asked you to nominate your favourite pubs and bars in the Brixton area. You didn't disappoint, with 277 votes. Here are the results...and see below for a pub crawl of the top four:

1. The Trinity Arms (40 votes)
1=. The Duke of Edinburgh (40 votes)
3. The Effra (31 votes)
3=. The White Horse (31 votes)
5. Hootananny
6. The Prince Albert
6=. Dogstar
8. Seven
9. Mango Landin'
10. The Windmill

Voting was completely open-ended, and the definition of ‘pubs near Brixton’ was up to you (the Priory Arms in Stockwell...really?).

Here’s a map of all the recommended pubs in the area. Dotted green pins denote the top four, which will form our pub crawl (see below), yellow pins represent the rest of the top 10, and red pins indicate other nominated pubs.

View Brixton Pubs in a larger map

With our friends at Brixton Blog, we'll be organising a pub crawl around the top four on Tuesday 27 March. You're welcome to join us. The order and approximate times are as follows:

6.30pm The White Horse
7.30pm The Effra
8.30pm The Trinity Arms
9.30pm The Duke of Edinburgh

And then, who knows, perhaps we'll slip into the Dogstar or Albert for a cheeky nightcap.

If you'd like to join us, drop Matt a line on [email protected], so we can keep track of numbers. Anyone who comes along gets one of these almost impressive Londonist pub crawl badges.  If the group is large, we’ll split into smaller groups and stagger arrival times, so as not to overwhelm the bar staff. Hopefully see you there.

See also

The Londonist Book of London Pub Crawls