What's The Best Pub In St James's And Mayfair?

By M@ Last edited 145 months ago

Last Updated 07 January 2013

What's The Best Pub In St James's And Mayfair?

Part ‘J’ of our two-year alphabetical pub crawl around London.

There being no choice parts of town beginning with 'J', we opted for St James's as the next-best thing, tagging on Mayfair for a wider pool of pubs and bars. Voting was quieter than usual, perhaps because of post-Christmas hangovers, but nevertheless, here are the top pubs and bars in St James's and Mayfair as voted for by you.

1. The Red Lion (Crown Passage), 23 votes
2. The Guinea Grill, 6 votes
=2. The Audley, 6 votes
4. The Only Running Footman, 5 votes
5. The Red Lion (Duke of York Street)
=5. The Punchbowl
=5. The Speaker (not actually in St James's or Mayfair)
=5. Chequers
9. The Golden Lion
=9. The Grapes
=9. The Iron Duke

The map below shows where the votes went. Green dotted markers show the top four pubs, which will form our pub crawl. The rest of the top 10 are shown in yellow, while all other nominations are in red. (Note: a red pub doesn’t mean it’s a bad pub…in each case, at least one person thought this was the best, and some might be little-known or on the fringes of the area.)

View Best pubs in St James and Mayfair in a larger map

Our pubcrawl round the top four will take place on Monday 28 January (we always pick a Monday to ensure the pubs can handle a crowd). Here’s where we’ll go…

6.30pm Meet at The Audley
7.30pm The Only Running Footman
8.30pm The Guinea Grill
9.30pm The Red Lion (Crown Passage)

Would you like to join us? Note: Because some of the venues are small, or are mostly gastro with a small drinking area, we're having to limit the number of people on this one. Only the first 10 people to email [email protected] will be able to join the crawl (though there's nothing to stop you making your own arrangements).

The A-Z pub crawl

Image of the Guinea Grill by Mary Photropics in the Londonist Flickr pool.