Where Are The Best Pubs In Euston?

By M@ Last edited 152 months ago

Last Updated 07 June 2012

Where Are The Best Pubs In Euston?

Part ‘E’ of our two-year alphabetical pub crawl around London.

We asked you to vote for your favourite pubs and bars in the Euston area, and you duly obliged. Here are the results, drawn from 117 votes. See below for how to join our pub crawl round the top four.

1. The Euston Tap
2. The Bree Louise
3. The Doric Arch
4. Somers Town Coffee House
=5. The Prince Arthur
=5. The Rocket
=7. Mabel's
=7. The Cider Tap
=7. The Jeremy Bentham
=7. Lord John Russell

The map below shows where the votes went. Green dotted markers show the top 4 pubs, which will form our pub crawl. The rest of the top 10 are shown in yellow, while all other nominations are in red.

View Best Pubs In Euston in a larger map

The two runaway winners will be no surprise to anyone who knows the area. The Bree Louise is famed for its vast range of real ales, while relative newcomer the Euston Tap serves up top-rate craft ales in an unusual venue. Perhaps oddly, the Tap's sister bar, the Cider Tap, only came in joint seventh, despite offering a similar night out. We put it down to the relative unpopularity of cider.

As ever, we left the definition of Euston up to you. The winner of this month's prize for creative stretching of geography goes to the commenter who nominated the (admittedly excellent) Charles I, over on the east side of King's Cross. (Edited: previously we got our Exmouth Arms's mixed up.)

Please join us for a crawl around the top four pubs on Monday 25 June, cunningly slotted in between the important Euro 2012 games. The itinerary will be:

6.30pm Meet at the Euston Tap. It's small, so don't expect a seat.
7.30pm The Bree Louise
8.30pm The Doric Arch
9.30pm The Somers Town Coffee House

If you'd like to join us, please email [email protected], so we can keep an eye on numbers. Everyone who comes along gets a Londonist booze badge, and the first to find us gets a tshirt.

The A-Z pub crawl

Image by Alan Perryman in the Londonist Flickr pool.