What's The Most Unusual Pub In London?

By M@ Last edited 134 months ago

Last Updated 03 December 2013

What's The Most Unusual Pub In London?


Part 'U' of our alphabetical pub crawl.

For the 21st part of our epic pub crawl, we're faced with a quandary. Until now, all instalments have visited a particular area of town — D for Dalston, E for Euston, F for Farringdon, etc. But for part 'U', we have nowhere central. We could run an epic crawl from Uxbridge to Upminster (via Upton Park), but where's the fun in that.

Instead, we're using the final vowel to look for London's most UNUSUAL pubs. That could be unusual furnishings or decoration, an odd theme, a peculiar name, a strange history, or any other novelty or quirk that makes the pub worth visiting.

We need your nominations, then we'll arrange a pub crawl round the most popular. (But in January, as this month's already too boozy.)

Here’s how to play

  1. Let us know (in the comments below, on Facebook, or by tweeting #UnusualLDNPub) your favourite pubs of oddness.
  2. We’ll tally up the votes in a few days and publish the results.
  3. We’ll then arrange a pub crawl around the most popular choices. You’re welcome to join us.
  4. By ‘pubs’, we’re using a shorthand — you can also vote for bars.
  5. You can nominate more than one place. All nominations count as one vote, whether you rank them or not. Likes on Facebook and retweets of someone else’s vote are also counted as new votes.
  6. Venues should be open to the public with no pre-booking, entry fee or membership required.

So, where shall we go?

pubcrawls-1The A-Z pub crawl

Get the Londonist Book of London Pub Crawls for less than the price of a pint. Ten original pub crawls, not published on the web.