Which Is The Best Pub In Marylebone?

By M@ Last edited 142 months ago

Last Updated 03 April 2013

Which Is The Best Pub In Marylebone?

Part ‘M’ of our two year mission to visit the best London pubs, alphabetically.

We're now half-way on our epic mission to tour London's best pubs in an A-Z stylee. This time round, and on to part 'M', we're sticking pretty central and selecting Marylebone for our beery pleasures.

We always choose the route of the pub crawl based upon your votes. So, please nominate your favourite pubs in the Marylebone area, and we'll reveal the results at the end of the week.

Here’s how to play:

  1. Let us know (in the comments below, on Facebook, or by tweeting #bestMarylebonePub) your favourite pubs in the area.
  2. We’ll tally up the votes in a couple of days.
  3. We’ll then arrange a pub crawl around the four most popular choices. You’re welcome to join us.
  4. Our definition of Marylebone for this purpose is the area bounded by Oxford Street (south), Marylebone Road (north), Edgware Road (west) and Great Portland Street (east).
  5. By ‘pubs’, we’re using a shorthand — you can also vote for bars.
  6. You can nominate more than one place. All nominations count as one vote, whether you rank them or not. Likes on Facebook and retweets of someone else’s vote are also counted as new votes.
  7. Venues should be open to the public with no pre-booking, entry fee or membership required.

So, where shall we go?

The A-Z pub crawl

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