Folk Olympics: Mrs Basil Holmes - Gravestones, Greed & Old School Socks

By M@ Last edited 156 months ago

Last Updated 13 February 2012

Folk Olympics: Mrs Basil Holmes - Gravestones, Greed & Old School Socks

A fortnightly celebration of the folk history of the Olympic boroughs, in story and song.

And so we arrive at our third Olympic Borough, Hackney, and the story of Mrs Basil Holmes, saviour of London's graveyards.

"Many would have considered Mrs Basil Holmes a little odd when she decided to spend her leisure time wandering around in graveyards and cemeteries. But one thing she wasn't was blind. She noticed what everyone else had failed to see..."

All songs are free to download from Songs From The Howling Sea. Lyrics can be found here.

Previously in Greenwich

Previously in Tower Hamlets