Folk Olympics: Of Cockney Mudlarks And Maori Chiefs

By Londonist Last edited 158 months ago

Last Updated 11 December 2011

Folk Olympics: Of Cockney Mudlarks And Maori Chiefs

A weekly celebration of the folk history of the Olympic boroughs, in story and song.

Having balladeered his way around Tower Hamlets (see links below), Ruairidh Anderson now turns his attentions to the Borough of Greenwich, venue for the Olympic equestrian, basketball, gymnastic and shooting events. He begins his musical tour of the borough by telling the story of Joseph Druce, Greenwich Pensioner who became a Maori Chief.

‘’Upon being arrested for a break and enter, Joseph Druce was thrown into Newgate prison and, during a time when children were executed for being mildly annoying, was very lucky to find himself instead bound for Australia”

All songs are free to download from Songs From The Howling Sea. Lyrics can be found here.

Previously in Tower Hamlets