Folk Olympics: Battles, Brothels And Broken Hearts - General James Wolfe

By M@ Last edited 157 months ago

Last Updated 15 January 2012

Folk Olympics: Battles, Brothels And Broken Hearts - General James Wolfe

A fortnightly celebration of the folk history of the Olympic boroughs, in story and song.

This week, the tale of General James Wolfe — soldier, hero and father of 13 illegitimate kids. You may have seen his statue at the top of Greenwich Hill.

"General James Wolfe was a battle-hardened war veteran, a fearless hero in everyone's eyes. Well almost everyone.. his work colleauges started to wonder if there was actually something wrong with him..."

All songs can also be found on Songs From The Howling Sea. Lyrics can be found here.

Previously in Tower Hamlets

Previously in Greenwich