Folk Olympics: Martial Bourdin, The Exploding Anarchist Of Greenwich

By M@ Last edited 157 months ago

Last Updated 30 January 2012

Folk Olympics: Martial Bourdin, The Exploding Anarchist Of Greenwich

A fortnightly celebration of the folk history of the Olympic boroughs, in story and song.

In the final week of our second Olympic Borough, Greenwich, Ruairidh Anderson tells the story of Frenchman and anarchist Martial Bourdin, who exploded in Greenwich Park one winter's morning.

'It was a fresh February day in 1894 when young Frenchman Martial Bourdin left his house in Fitzroy Sreet central London for a jaunt across town. Catching a tram from outside the houses of Parliament, he must have enjoyed a relatively uncrowded journey, kept company only by his head full of ideals and the package under his arm.'

All songs are free to download from Songs From The Howling Sea. Lyrics can be found here.

Previously in Greenwich

Previously in Tower Hamlets