Short Stories About London Wanted

By M@ Last edited 126 months ago

Last Updated 08 August 2014

Short Stories About London Wanted


Most weekends we run a reader-contributed short story set in London. We’ve had some excellent entries, from a phantom lion in Zone 3, to the woes of a cab driver, to a man with the entire tube network in his abdomen.

Over the next few weeks, we're hotting things up a bit by encouraging submissions with the theme of 'Summertime in London'. Perhaps you'll pen a park-based romance, or an ice-cream van of horror. Or maybe you'll write about a close encounter in a festival portaloo. Actually, please don't write that last one.

Here are the rules:

1) Stories must be no more than 1,000 words.
2) Stories must be set in London, or heavily influenced by the city in some way.
3) We don’t just want an interesting scenario — the piece also has to be well written, with believable characters.
4) Any genre is fine, so long as there's something of the summer about it.
5) Send entries to [email protected]
6) You get to keep full copyright.
7) We’ll run the theme for a few weeks, but probably no later than mid-September, so get your story in ASAP for consideration.

We look forward to sharing your summertime stories.

Image by oatsy40 in the Londonist Flickr pool.