A seal has been spotted in Greenwich. But which Seal?
There's a definite rock theme to the London gigs on sale this week.
A dog cafe in Brixton, rum fun and some amazing food-based puns.
Hackney's event sees nine acts from the brim full borough of talent compete for first place.
Whittington and Romford hospitals also cutting back.
To boldly go where no elementary Martians have battled dinosaurs, my dear Watson.
Meet the development team behind Londonist and try and catch the fly (sponsored post).
Want to watch the Super Bowl but don't know where? Look no further than our handy guide.
Popular attraction moving to County Hall.
The usual insults traded at City Hall.
The Sun has put its weight behind a major new sports participation campaign.
Free gigs, monsters in a pub and a chance to make the world a better place.
The rest of the day's news.
Clockwise or anticlockwise? That is the question.
Deadpan Norwegian giggles.
Possibly not one for Metallica fans.
Joe Dunthorne, Boris Akunin, Samantha Harvey, Kat Francois and more.
Glade In Chelsea.
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