The Best Pubs In Hackney

By M@ Last edited 114 months ago

Last Updated 05 August 2015

The Best Pubs In Hackney

We recently asked you to nominate the best pubs in the Borough of Hackney. We got plenty of suggestions, but only a handful pulled away with significant numbers of votes (our two winners both encouraged their patrons to vote, vote, vote... hence the higher showings).

1. The People's Park Tavern, 39 votes
2. The Kenton, 24 votes
3. The Chesham Arms, 10 votes
=4. The Clapton Hart, 7 votes
=4. The Anchor and Hope, 7 votes
6. The Gun, 6 votes
=7. The Dove, 5 votes
=7. The Pembury Tavern, 5 votes
=7. The Cock, 5 votes
=7. The Globe, 5 votes

All our top 10 will be added to our Best Pubs in London database, if they're not already in there.

Map of the best pubs in Hackney

All nominations are shown in the map below. The top 10 are indicated by yellow stars. See below for details on our pub crawl.

A Hackney pub crawl

We're going to run a pub crawl around some of the favourites on Tuesday 25 August (picking a Tuesday to make sure the pubs aren't too busy — especially The Gun, which is tiny). If you'd like to join us, please email [email protected], so we can keep an eye on numbers. Here's the route:

From 6pm: assemble in the People's Park Tavern
7.30pm: The Kenton
8.30pm: The Gun
9.30pm: The Chesham Arms

Then we'll finish near the railway in either the Cock or Globe, depending on how boozy people are feeling. Sorry Clapton and Hackney Wick — we'll reach you another time.

Previous Pub Crawls

A list of previous areas and themes that we’ve put to public vote. See our database of the Best London Pubs for more.

Visit our our Best Pubs in London microsite and see what you think.