Friday Quiz: Stuff On The Streets Of London

By M@ Last edited 175 months ago

Last Updated 30 July 2010

Friday Quiz: Stuff On The Streets Of London


With today's launch of the cycle hire network, it is tempting to theme our end-of-week quiz around all things bike. But, just to be mischievous, we're focusing on the docking stations instead. The electronic racks have been popping up all over central London, adding a new layer to our city's bountiful collection of bollards, railings, benches, sign posts, fountains and other 'street furniture'. It's fashionable to knock such urban accoutrements and lament the amount of pavement clutter. But some of it is useful, quirky and even historic. Take our quiz below to learn more:

As always, let us know how you did in the comments.

Previous London quizzes (go on, have a go): Bridges, Characters, Dogs, East London Line, Football, German London, Museums, Parks, Politics, Pubs, Science, Skies, Skyscrapers.