Get Your Free Map Of Green London

By M@ Last edited 76 months ago

Last Updated 31 August 2018

Get Your Free Map Of Green London

We keep banging on about what a green city London really is, but the message is hammered home by this delightful map.

Designed by Charlie Peel of Urban Good, the fold-out map shows all of London's green spaces, including 'all of the capital’s 3,000 parks plus woodlands, playing fields, nature reserves, city farms, rivers, canals and all the spaces that contribute to London’s parkland'. The map supports the much-reported initiative to declare London a 'National Park City'.

You can use it to help navigate popular walks, such as the London LOOP or Capital Ring, or simply as an inspiration for exploring this green and pleasant city. The reverse contains numerous infographics to reinforce just how leafy London is.

First published in 2017, the map has now been reprinted with the support of the National Trust. The underwritten production cost means that the map can be distributed for free (with a small P&P charge). You can order your copy here.

Map produced in collaboration with Ordnance Survey and Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC (GiGL). Charlie Peel will be speaking at the 2018 UK Mapping Festival for which Londonist is media partner.