London Artist Creates Portrait Of Donald Trump... Using His Own Faeces

Harry Rosehill
By Harry Rosehill Last edited 83 months ago

Looks like this article is a bit old. Be aware that information may have changed since it was published.

Last Updated 23 February 2018

London Artist Creates Portrait Of Donald Trump... Using His Own Faeces

To borrow a popular football chant: "What do we think of Trump? Shit! What do we think of shit? Trump!"

An artist named Endless has brought this vision to life with his latest work, a 'painting' of Trump, realised with the help of his own faeces. Titled 'Shithole', the piece recalls Trump's comments aimed at immigrants from Haiti and America. In the artist's mind, his whiffy work sums up the British public's views towards the United States President.

Endless created the piece in a luxury suite in London (insert social commentary here), with faeces created after eating some McDonald's — presumably he couldn't get his hands on any KFC.

Apparently the artist plans on handing the picture to Trump when he visits London later this year. Good luck with that mate.

Watch the video of the artwork's creation below. Warning: as you might expect in a video about someone painting with faeces, there is visible poo.