A Hand-Drawn Map Of Regent's Park

Laura Reynolds
By Laura Reynolds Last edited 100 months ago

Last Updated 25 October 2016

A Hand-Drawn Map Of Regent's Park

We LOVE a map here at Londonist. Love, love, love. Cartography of the hand-drawn variety is a particular favourite, and we thought we'd have a go at our own hand-drawn map of Regent's Park. While it's not a complete map of the park (it doesn't include the open-air theatre, for example), it covers our favourite spots and best memories.

We're now looking for more hand-drawn maps of areas of London. It can be as local as your own street, or as ambitious as the entire city. 2D, 3D, black and white or colour — all are welcome. Throw in your own memories and anecdotes, favourite restaurants, casual observations — whatever you like.

Email your hand-drawn maps to [email protected], and we'll publish our favourites. Here are some we've published in the past, to get your creative juices flowing.

Another interpretation of Regent's Park, this one depicting the London of 101 Dalmatians. By Becky Jones and Clare Lewis
This super-detailed rendition of central London and beyond is by Jojo Oldham
We're in awe of this 3D sketch of Kingsland Road by Louisa Jones
Julia Forte's map portrays London's inventions and firsts
Yep, that's Brixton portrayed as a tree, as created by Liam Roberts
Gail Townsley's colourful recreation of the Wimbledon branch of the District Line

Need more inspiration? Find it here and here. We can't wait to see what you come up with.