What Are The Best London Novels?

By M@ Last edited 111 months ago

Last Updated 30 September 2015

What Are The Best London Novels?

Dickens or Woolf? Amis or Ali? White Teeth or Vile Bodies. Anyone for Da Vinci Code?

What are the best novels set (or partly set) in London? We're looking for your nominations to help decide our future reading list. Please vote in the comments below, or on Twitter using hashtag #bestlondonnovel, and we'll round up the results in a few days' time. We ran a similar poll five years ago, so it will be interesting to compare how opinion has changed.

As well as novels, you can also nominate short-story collections and comic books/graphic novels.

If you need your memory jogging, take a look at this list of notable books — or feel free to nominate something more obscure.

See also: the best non-fiction books about London, as nominated by you.