Charles Dickens' Houses...Mapped

By M@ Last edited 162 months ago

Last Updated 13 April 2011

Charles Dickens' Houses...Mapped

View Dickens Lived Here in a larger map

Lee Jackson of the indispensable Victorian London website and Cat's Meat Shop blog has mapped the many flats, houses, farms and blacking factories in which Charles Dickens lived, worked and played. Like many a Londoner, the great novelist had his favourite patches, with a cluster either side of Euston Road. But he also dallied in the suburbs, playing away in Peckham and mucking out on a couple of Finchley Farms.

The map supersedes our own version, cack-handedly put together in the days before Google's MyMaps.

Dickens fans can look forward to a major exhibition at the Museum of London from December, ahead of the 200th anniversary of his birth next year.