Preview: Reveal Festival At Kings Cross Apr 22-May 2

By M@ Last edited 176 months ago

Last Updated 09 April 2010

Preview: Reveal Festival At Kings Cross Apr 22-May 2


King's Cross has to be one of the more interesting parts of town at the moment. Following the recent arrival of Eurostar, the once seedy area is already looking up. Next year, London's art students arrive en masse, when Central St Martin's moves in to the old Granary. The new-look station is fast taking shape. Soon, new buildings and squares will start sprouting up on the old railway lands.

Against this backdrop comes the Reveal Festival, which offers 'surprising events and creative journeys around King's Cross. Some of them are real humdingers. Here are our picks:

The Mechanical Aquarium. Robotic fish swim around in a normally inaccessible Victorian canal-side building. A real MUST SEE.

Up The Cally Road. Guided walk along the maligned thoroughfare by broadcaster Alan Dein.

The Secret Life of Ukes. Are ukuleles still trendy? Who cares - pop along to the small but perfectly formed Lincoln Lounge for some merry strumming.

Another Time, Another Place Photos of King's Cross from the 1980's, when the area was oh-so-different. The exhibition also gives you the chance to peer inside the Lumen church, a modern marvel of architecture.

Smother. An 'Artangel Interaction project' playing out in the 'dolls-house frame of 101 Kings Cross Road'. Could mean anything, and therein the charm.

The British Library Reveal. A tour with tales around the giant bibliotheque, including a 'bird's eye view'.

Plenty more events can be found over on the Reveal web site.