Henry Moore In London...Mapped

By M@ Last edited 179 months ago

Last Updated 24 February 2010

Henry Moore In London...Mapped

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A new exhibition of Henry Moore's work opens today at Tate Britain. Perhaps the UK's most famous sculptor, Moore's curvaceous creations are a familiar site in parks and galleries up and down the country. Despite that familiarity, the sculptor still commands huge public appreciation, as evinced by the popularity of the Kew Gardens exhibition a couple of years ago. This month alone, the Guardian have devoted nine articles to the artist.

If you can't work up enough enthusiasm to pay the Tate's £12.50 entrance fee for the exhibition, there's plenty Moore to be seen for free around town. Our map above shows the locations of every piece we know about, with blue pins representing outdoor works and red indicating indoor pieces (entrance fees may apply). Let us know in the comments if we've missed anything.