Populist: 25 - 31 January

By Lindsey Last edited 185 months ago

Last Updated 31 January 2009

Populist: 25 - 31 January


Populist brings you a bite sized round up of the best of Londonist this week. Catch up on the coolest, quirkiest, most recommended and talked about stories and find out what's hot and what's happening for the week ahead.

In the news:

  • As if conflict in the Middle East wasn't enough, anti-semitism is apparently on the rise in London.
  • Squats and squatters. We talked to an actual squatter who's neither a hippy, activist, freeloader or straggler.
  • Kebabs aren't good for you. No, really.
  • Radical thinking: the constant tube train
  • Check out the news archives for more.

    What's hot:

  • Momentary lapses of reason: lady Londonistas go gaga for the kids
  • Silly shop names Eating, drinking and talking at someone's house.
  • Alternative theatrical experiences; 8 short plays in a Hoxton basement and 6 hours of greek tragedy in Dalston.
  • Faded grandeur under your nose: picture palaces of the past.
  • Somers Town on DVD - still time to win a copy Our brave UK entrant for Eurovision: meet Jade.

    Check out the Arts and Events and Food and Drink archives for more.

    Images clockwise from top left: on set with Harry Brown, urban sightseeing, the great pun hunt, New Kids baby, yeah! Keep track of our most popular posts by checking out Favourites or using the Populist tag.