Learn All About London At Bishopsgate Institute

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Last Updated 07 July 2017

Learn All About London At Bishopsgate Institute

This is a sponsored article on behalf of the Bishopsgate Institute.

If you're a London obsessive like us, then the upcoming events at the Bishopsgate Institute will be right up your frog and toad.

There's a new series of talks coming up —London Talks —celebrating the history and diversity of our incredible city. Events cover everything from sexuality to suffrage, the East End and protest history — it's time to satisfy your inner London geek.

First up is a brief but contentious history of the East End— if you think you know your Shoreditch, then prepare to be surprised.

This covers some of the East End's best secrets and stories, from criminality and degeneracy, myths and questions, right up to its gentrification — it's on 5 July, and a complete bargain at under a tenner.

The colourful city is the order of the day for From 'Evil Men' To 'Disco Divas'. The second in the London Talks series will remap queer London from persecution to liberation —the event on 19 July covers basement clubs and the highs of Heaven, focusing on the city between 1950 and the 1980s.

We bet you never thought that swimming galas would be part of the Votes for Women campaign — London's suffrage movement and popular culture is the topic of conversation on 26 July and features the unlikely activities of Ju Jitsu and rollerskating.

These London Talks promise to be some fascinating snapshots into what makes our city so great. As well as these, upcoming events at the Bishopsgate Institute look worth checking out.

Get rebellious on 13 July with We Are Angry, an evening which looks at large scale protests throughout history, starting from the early nineteenth century. Learn about how London coped with the Great Strike in the 1920s as you explore the archive material.

Rebels are also the subject of the Institute's art night, The Revolution Will Be Photocopied on 1 July, giving you the chance to get the lowdown on London's radical past before creating your own piece of angry artwork.

The event's open to those who don't fancy being creative too — visitors are welcome to just enjoy a drink and take a look at the exhibitions without getting stuck in with the sticking and gluing.

There's a lot more to London than meets the eye. Get below the surface of the city and explore some of the more fascinating sides of our glorious capital with these talks, events and the incredible archives the Bishopsgate Institute holds.

Check out the full schedule at the Bishopsgate Institute here.