From February 2020, the London Eye — or Coca-Cola London Eye, as I'm sure you're all calling it — will undergo a striking rebrand.
Lastminute.com's sponsorship deal will see the angry red glow we've become accustomed to seeing since 2015, make way for a delicious shade of hot pink. Aesthetically, it'll be a more soothing sight — slotting in well with the shimmering cool blues of neighbouring buildings along the South Bank. We're all for it.

Except — and we're itching to say this — using Lastminute.com's brand colour in conjunctivitits conjunction with the London Eye will surely lead to an unfortunate new nickname for London's most iconic ride... PinkEye.
Coca-Cola's current 'RedEye' is a brash reflection of the fizzy drink's brand colours and never really fitted in with the surrounding nighttime illuminations. Previous Eye sponsors EDF Energy were more subtle with their colouring, painting a single capsule orange. This still elicited the ire of some.