The London Eye Will Be Pink From February - But Haven't The New Sponsors Noticed The Unfortunate Rebrand?

Will Noble
By Will Noble Last edited 63 months ago

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Last Updated 14 November 2019

The London Eye Will Be Pink From February - But Haven't The New Sponsors Noticed The Unfortunate Rebrand?
We give you... PinkEye. Image: Shutterstock

From February 2020, the London Eye — or Coca-Cola London Eye, as I'm sure you're all calling it — will undergo a striking rebrand.'s sponsorship deal will see the angry red glow we've become accustomed to seeing since 2015, make way for a delicious shade of hot pink. Aesthetically, it'll be a more soothing sight — slotting in well with the shimmering cool blues of neighbouring buildings along the South Bank. We're all for it.

Orange capsule London Eye
The infamous orange capsule from the Eye's EDF days. Image: Shutterstock

Except — and we're itching to say this — using's brand colour in conjunctivitits conjunction with the London Eye will surely lead to an unfortunate new nickname for London's most iconic ride... PinkEye.

Coca-Cola's current 'RedEye' is a brash reflection of the fizzy drink's brand colours and never really fitted in with the surrounding nighttime illuminations. Previous Eye sponsors EDF Energy were more subtle with their colouring, painting a single capsule orange. This still elicited the ire of some.