Follow The New Sculpture In The City Trail Round The Square Mile

By M@ Last edited 15 months ago

Last Updated 30 June 2023

Follow The New Sculpture In The City Trail Round The Square Mile
A sculpture of a cockerel perching on a fake rock with skyscrapers behind
Pittu Pithu Pitoo, by Simeon Barclay

Track down a levitating megaphone, a bright red cuboid... and a tiny perching cockerel.

Sculpture in the City has returned for its 12th edition. This year's trail includes 18 works of sculptural art, dotted around the eastern part of the Square Mile. From Fenchurch Street to Liverpool Street; in the shadow of the Gherkin and nestled in ancient churchyards, tracking down the sculptures is a grand way to get to know this part of the City.

A red transparent cube in a city plaza
Pacific Red (IV), by Larry Bell

If you did the 2022 trail, then expect a sizeable dose of déjà-vu. Only about half of this year's works are new, with many  remaining in place from last year (and even the year before). This may be a little disappointing for returning fans. That said, some of the 'remainers' are ones we'd want to keep, including Oliver Bragg's amusing bench plaques and Jocelyn McGregor's human-snail hybrids at Aldgate.

A white truck with a pretend black megaphone suspended above it
untitled:megaphone, by Phyllida Barlow

Of the new pieces, one which we suspect will turn most heads is Simeon Barclay's Pittu Pithu Pitoo — a chicken on a fibreglass rock (top image) —  if only for the inevitable "heh, heh, look at that tiny cock" gags. It's immediately behind the Cheesegrater, as is Phyllida Barlow's untitled:megaphone — a simulacrum loudhailer raised six metres in the air. Both hold hidden meanings if you care to stay and read the blurb.

The escalators of the Leadenhall Building (Cheesegrater) seen from beneath, with colourful wraps on both
Untitled, by Arturo Herrera

As ever, the trail presents numerous 'Aha!' moments as you first chance across a work. However, with too many sculptures held over from last year, and a reliance on the same old locations, this annual trail could do with a shake up.

Some white curvy sculptural forms in Bishopgsate churchyard
Muamba Grove, 0 Hue #1 and Muamba Grove, 0 Hue #2, by Vanessa da Silva

Sculpture in the City is free to explore and remains in place until spring 2024. While you're in the area, check out this summer's trail of Morph sculptures.