See The Hanging Gardens Of The City Of London

By M@ Last edited 106 months ago

Last Updated 24 April 2016

See The Hanging Gardens Of The City Of London

You smell it before you see it. A carpet of flowers decorates the newly opened City Centre — only it's on the ceiling rather than the ground.

Artist Rebecca Louise Law created The City Garden installation as a way to draw attention to the Square Mile's many small green spaces. Her artwork contains flowers that can be found in 34 of the City's gardens, from English roses to Japanese peonies.

The exhibition is accompanied by a detailed leaflet, which visitors can use as a self-guided tour around the 34 gardens. An iPhone app will also be available.

This is the debut exhibition at the City Centre, a new gallery and education space in the Square Mile. The venue is managed by New London Architecture, whose gallery near Tottenham Court Road has long been a favourite haunt of ours. Expect numerous events and exhibitions about the urban realm.

Visit on a Friday or Saturday (from 23 April) and you can also view the City Centre's incredible model of the Square Mile. We were so impressed, we covered it in a separate article.

The City Centre, 80 Basinghall Street, City of London, EC2V 5AR. Gallery open Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm; model of London open Fri-Sat, 10am-5pm. Entrance is free.