This time last year, we made our annual predictions for what might happen in 2015. We based one of them around Penge (the world's best bars would turn out to be in Penge). That didn't quite come true, but we decided between ourselves to see if we could make Penge 'happen' on the sly. So we quietly slipped in a load of references to the second-funniest named part of London*.
The Penge Tourist Board has picked up on many of these and seems convinced we're taking the piss, which isn't the case. Hell, one of us even moved there, that's how dedicated we are to the cause. So without further ado: how much of our Penge did you notice?
*the first is obviously Cockfosters.
Move to Penge
In what was clearly a subtle piece of encouragement to get people moving into SE20, we listed many things you could buy for the price of a one bedroom flat in Penge. Though that may have backfired when we discovered you can get a private island for less than the cost of a modest home in zone 4.
Olympics mascots
A tough piece of investigative journalism, this one. We tracked down former Olympic mascots Wenlock and Mandeville in their post-2012 lives. We were quite disturbed to discover an, er, adult version of the cuddly toy — which gives a whole new meaning to 'one eyed monster' — which has a special 'penge' feature.
Did spot the little Penge Easter Egg in Geoff Marshall's video, explaining when London's canals were built? You'd better watch it again now, then.
Game shows
News that The Crystal Maze was on its way back got us very excited. So excited, in fact, that we pondered what other game shows should be brought back, but with a London twist. Meet: A Question of Penge. It's quite niche.
London in emojis
Number 26. Oh come on.
When we decided to start paying pictorial homage to various corners of the capital, it was pretty damn obvious where we'd be heading.
This one's just a public service, really. Our database of the best pubs in London, painstakingly researched by the Londonist team (it's a hard job, etc), this year sprouted a Penge section. So far it only contains Antic's Goldsmiths Arms, but when the world's best bars do come to Penge we'll be poised to pounce. (Other pub suggestions are welcome.)
Sneaking in under the wire at the end of the year, we discovered a lovely film about Penge made in 1964 and released by the BFI.
We even made you a Penge SE20 t-shirt, mug and phone case. Display your Penge with pride.
And while we're here: we didn't write this in the last 12 months, but try this explanation of how Penge got its name.