Video: Where Can You Visit Four Boroughs In Less Than A Minute?

By Geoff Marshall Last edited 110 months ago

Last Updated 15 December 2015

Video: Where Can You Visit Four Boroughs In Less Than A Minute?

Four Corners in London? Not quite — we can't entirely replicate this famous USA landmark, where the edges of four states touch, here in London. But we can come very close, as we discovered in this video. It turns out that you can go to four London boroughs in a very short space of time.

In fact — it would only take another two minutes of walking up the road in Crystal Palace and you could be in Lewisham too. Which left us wondering... how quickly could we visit all 32 London boroughs? New challenge? Oh yes, we think so.

There's no real reason for doing it — other than it being a bit of fun — but we can't decide where in each borough to go. A train station? Just set a foot inside? Take a picture of a 'Welcome To...' sign, or do we do it properly and visit the town hall for each borough? Let us know in the comments below.