Watch Out For Vampires In London Libraries

By Lindsey Last edited 136 months ago

Last Updated 23 October 2013

Watch Out For Vampires In London Libraries


During Halloween week some of London's most atmospheric libraries become the spooky setting for an inventive telling of Bram Stoker's Dracula.

Open Book Theatre aims to bring classic novels to life in library spaces. This is its inaugural performance. Young children and the faint of heart are cautioned to stay away. It's an immersive performance but sharpened stakes will be confiscated at the door. What lurks behind the stacks and under the counter? Dare you venture to Tooting on Halloween itself? Get your tickets now for the following performances:

Saturday 26 October at Westminster Reference Library, 7.30pm
Monday 28 October at Victoria Library, 6.30pm
Tuesday 29 October at Battersea Library, 7.30pm
Thursday 31 October at Tooting Library, 7pm
Saturday 2 November at Westminster Reference Library, 7.30pm
Tuesday 5 November at Clapham Library, 7pm

Dracula is performed in London libraries from 26 October - 5 November. Tickets are £5 for under-21s, £15 adults, £12.50 concessions. Follow @weareopenbook on Twitter for more.

See also: our huge listings article full of Halloween ideas.