Week In Geek: 21-27 January 2013

By M@ Last edited 143 months ago

Last Updated 21 January 2013

Week In Geek: 21-27 January 2013

London events for people with curious minds.

Tuesday 22 January

MATHS: Find out why mathematics is 'the queen of the sciences' at a Gresham lecture at Museum of London. Free, just turn up, 1pm

SLEEP: Glenn D Wilson examines why we sleep and why we dream, at the second Gresham lecture of the day at Museum of London. Free, just turn up, 6pm

GENETICS: Adrian Bird talks genetics, epigenetics and disease at the Royal Society. Free, just turn up, 6.30pm

Wednesday 23 January

HEART: Learn how stress and extreme emotion can affect your ticky-ticker at a Wellcome Collection lunchtime event. Free, just turn up, 1pm

FILM: A screening of vintage sci-fi romp Fantastic Voyage can be seen at UCL's JZ Young Theatre, followed by a tour of the Grant Museum, wine in hand. Free, just turn up, 6.30pm

SPACE: Mark Thompson, an astronomer not the former BBC man, is at the Royal Institute to tell us how stargazers navigate the cosmos and understand the objects they find there. £10, prebook, 7pm

DEATH: When do human remains stop being 'a person' and become 'an object'? How much reverence should we give to ancient bones versus the remains of the recently deceased? A fascinating talk at Wellcome Collection. Free, prebook, 7pm

CLIMATE CHANGE: The Dana Centre has a screening and discussion of Jaywick Escapes, a film about the North Sea floods of 1953. Free, prebook, 7pm

Thursday 24 January

BIOENERGY: Should we be using more farm land to grow energy crops? The Dana Centre debates and invites you along. Free, prebook, 7pm

Friday 25 January

LATES: Time once again for late night opening at the Natural History Museum. Look around with a glass of wine and live music. Free, just turn up, 6-10pm

Sunday 27 January

SPACETACULAR!: It's finally here. Helen Keen's Spacetacular!, co-organised with Londonist, is on at Leicester Square Theatre. A comedy-meets-science variety show entirely themed around space exploration. Come along in fancy dress if you like, take part in the space quiz, and enjoy some cutting edge science and comedy. £10, prebook,  7.30pm