Huge Boring Machine Lowered Into Place For Lee Tunnel

By M@ Last edited 157 months ago

Last Updated 15 December 2011

Huge Boring Machine Lowered Into Place For Lee Tunnel

Get ready with those predictable 'boring' puns: Lizzie the giant tunneling machine was today readied for her months-long mission to drill the Lee Tunnel.

The four-mile-long sewer, to be completed in 2013, will help prevent millions of tonnes of overspill sewerage sliming its way into the River Lea each year. Drilling will begin in Beckton, where the 8-metre diameter drill head was lowered today. The 800-tonne cutter required one of Europe's largest cranes for its decent. 'Busy Lizzie' was named by the 10-year-old Ryan Waters, the aptly surnamed winner of a competition involving Newham's schools.

In other boring news, the giant excavators to be used on the Crossrail project were also revealed this week. London Reconnections has plenty of photos.

Image from Thames Water.