Hot August Fringe Review: Tricity Vogue's The Blue Lady Sings Back

Franco Milazzo
By Franco Milazzo Last edited 162 months ago

Last Updated 02 August 2011

Hot August Fringe Review: Tricity Vogue's The Blue Lady Sings Back

Tricity Vogue is one busy woman. Frequently seen wielding her ukulele around the capital's clubs, she is also the co-founder of the ever-popular monthly Blue Stocking Society event, a collaboration with Audacity Chutzpah which features the best of London's female cabaret talent.

If that wasn't enough, Ms Vogue also (blue) moonlights as The Blue Lady. Brought to life by some carefully-applied facepaint and a lycra bodysuit, her alter ego has returned for another jaunt to the Edinburgh Fringe. The new show The Blue Lady Sings Back, shown at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern as part of their Hot August Fringe,  takes us on a whirlwind tour of how this living version of Tretchikoff's masterpiece attempts to break out of her static museum existence and live life to the full.

As this was a preview, we're honour-bound not to splash the intimate details but, as the pictures above demonstrate, la Vogue's latest effort is a feast for the eyes as well as the ears. She goes through numerous costume changes including a Bollywood-style get up and a fetching hula skirt festooned with bananas while she sings a mixture of original numbers and twisted cover versions ending with a bouncy finale medley of pop-tastic songs all in the key of blue, ranging from those of New Order to Elvis Presley

One of the best features of the show was the gleeful use of audience participation. On a number of occasions, Vogue gets volunteers to help her out, for example in an impromptu jailbreak or to join her in a kazoo duet. Her manic smile cuts through the usual British reserve like a knife through butter: you never know exactly what she's going to ask you to do, but you do know it will be fun.

If you're in Edinburgh this month, we strongly recommend checking out the coolest indigo girl since Smurfette.

The Blue Lady Sings will be at theSpaces on North Bridge from this Friday until 27 August. You can also see Tricity Vogue at her free ukulele cabaret show, cunningly named Tricity Vogue's Ukulele Cabaret.

The Hot August Fringe runs until 26 August. See our recommendations here.

All pictures (c) Tigz Rice