Visit The Billingsgate Roman House And Baths

By M@ Last edited 101 months ago

Last Updated 28 September 2016

Visit The Billingsgate Roman House And Baths

Update: the Roman remains can now be visited most weekends. See here for more details.

Listen up, fans of 'secret London'. A rare chance to visit some of London's most impressive Roman remains is imminent. The Museum of London have arranged access to the Roman house and baths buried beneath an office building on the southern edge of the City.

The remains were first discovered in 1848 and more fully revealed in several additional phases of excavation, showing a modest bath house preserved within the courtyard of a much larger structure, possibly an inn. It is protected in the basement of an office block and is rarely open to the public.

Head to 101 Lower Thames Street on Saturday 23 July between 11am and 4.30pm for a look around the remains and a chat to archaeologists. Free tours will operate at 12, 2 and 3.30pm on a first-come-first-served basis. The access forms part of the Festival of British Archaeology, which includes several London-based events (including gladiatorial games at Guildhall).