Things To Do In London At The Weekend: 29-31 July

By Lindsey Last edited 163 months ago

Last Updated 29 July 2011

Things To Do In London At The Weekend: 29-31 July

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All weekend


  • Visit the free musical evening at the art installation in the old newsagent's shop at 76 Chatsworth Road.
  • The V&A Summer Camp series of Lates starts tonight with a focus on the design process with music, installations, talks and workshops. Plus the Madjeski garden is an awesome place to hang out on a summer's evening. Free admission and open till 10pm.
  • It's a SLAM Last Friday - experience Bell Ringer, a sonic installation in Dilston Grove, a derelict church on the edge of Southwark Park, Peckham. Sound and dance performance at 8.30pm.



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