Man Called "World's Worst Tennis Player" Loses Libel Case

Dean Nicholas
By Dean Nicholas Last edited 175 months ago

Last Updated 29 April 2010

Man Called "World's Worst Tennis Player" Loses Libel Case

2904_tennis.jpg A tennis player dubbed the "world's worst pro" by the Daily Telegraph has lost his libel case in the HIgh Court. Bexley resident Robert Dee, who racked up an impressive 54 defeats in a row, sued the paper after they published a small front-page article in 2008 with the headline "World's worst tennis pro wins at last". But Mrs Justice Sharp sided with the Telegraph, caustically noting that Mr. Dee's "record of consecutive losses was the world record equalling worst ever run of consecutive losses on the international professional circuit", and ruled that reporting a losing streak was not defamatory. (Photo / Luke Robinson )
