Finches And Guitars @ Barbican's Curve Gallery

By M@ Last edited 175 months ago

Last Updated 27 February 2010

Finches And Guitars @ Barbican's Curve Gallery

Finch on a G-string, by M@.

There's not really a lot to say about this new installation, other than get the hell down to the Barbican at your next opportunity. Even the most arts-immune cynic can't help but find pleasure in this: a flock of colourful zebra finches playing electric guitars.

Upturned cymbals full of bird seed or water, amped-up guitars and microphone perches have been dotted around the Barbican's Curve Gallery. As you move through the space, the birds soar around you, sometimes at you, coming to rest on the various instruments (they seem to flock, particularly, to the bass guitars). The resulting sound is more minimalist than cacophony. Clangs and twangs (surely that wasn't a chord?) fall randomly, with occasional rhythms emerging from the bass-string hops of an individual bird.

Despite his extravagantly artsy name, Céleste Boursier-Mougenot has created something here of huge popular appeal that Londoners will talk about for years. It's clever, it's unique and, most of all, it is one of those rare pieces of art that has every visitor smiling throughout the whole experience. An absolute must see.

Céleste Boursier-Mougenot's Curve installation can be seen at the Barbican Arts Centre until 23 May. Entrance is free.