Car-Free Days For London Streets?

Rachel Holdsworth
By Rachel Holdsworth Last edited 180 months ago

Last Updated 04 December 2009

Car-Free Days For London Streets?

MarbleArch_4Dec09.jpg We know that London is potentially going to miss its EC air pollution targets and get hit with a fine, but it's quite a surprise to hear that Boris might consider banning traffic from certain areas on bad pollution days. A question from Darren Johnson about the Mayor's draft Air Quality Strategy has highlighted a 'traffic management' plan if other measures (more trees, new nitrogen oxide standards for the LEZ, encouraging people to walk and cycle) don't work. Of course, it's all still theoretical but, if the Standard's right, those fume hotspots Marble Arch and Edgware Road could be among the first to receive any temporary bans. (Though we suspect it would do Boris's rep as friend to car-drivers much damage.) (Image / Malcolm Edwards)
