Want To Write For Londonist?

By M@ Last edited 189 months ago

Last Updated 30 April 2009

Want To Write For Londonist?


Let's face it, we need you. Fresh ideas and fresh voices are the lifeblood of Londonist. Without them, we end up wallowing in cliché, like using this image of Lord Kitchener for a recruitment drive. Lame, eh?

So we're looking for new writers to join our team. We'd particularly like to hear from anyone with a passion and knowledge of local sports or politics - those being areas we sometimes overlook. Writers who can do that 'looking askance' thing at the daily news, or cover London's inexhaustible supply of events and exhibitions are also welcome.

Here's what you need:

- A love of London...or at least bits of it.

- An appreciation of webby stuff - nothing too techy, but it helps if you already blog, use Twitter, that sort of thing.

- Previous writing experience - could be a blog, could be a PhD thesis. As long as you're no stranger to the basic rules of sentence construction.

- The time and motivation to put together two or three blog posts a week.

Here's what you'll get out of it:

- No money, unfortunately. The site is put together by volunteers out of sheer passion for the city.

- A readership of thousands of people a day.

- Free press tickets to loads of things - music, theatre, previews and all kinds of odd stuff.

- A wider circle of friends and contacts in the cultural institutions of the city.

- Loads of fun. Many of us have been doing this for years, and we love it.

So if you're interested, drop us an email at londonist - at - gmail.com with the subject line 'new writer'. Or if you'd like to come and chat to us in person, feel free to pop along to our Slow Exposure photo exhibition at Foyles tomorrow (although, please RSVP to the same email address).