Londonist is fuming, literally and alas will be for quite some time – the £150 million plan to chill the tube looks set to be suspended. It’s deemed too expensive (shock, horror) by Transport for London, who has taken over from maintenance company Metronet.
Of course our hopes of a cooler network were not that high – what with seemingly ludicrous plans to install ice under the seats or redirect cold water in Victoria – we never really expected to be rendered anything less than hot and sweaty during our morning commute.
We do understand that living in one of the oldest cities and commuting on the oldest tube network comes at a price. We just wish that price wasn’t sweating off our face twice daily. Sort it out, please, it’s our Christmas wish.
And while we have your attention, a little insight into some of our other Yuletide yearnings:
- Full mobile reception on the underground.
- Ubiquitous public toilets Tokyo style.
- Longer tube running hours.
- If the latter prove unfeasible, subsidised taxis for solo females late at night.
Photo from geordiekid's flickr photostream