Find A Toilet By Text

By Jemimah Steinfeld Last edited 202 months ago

Last Updated 29 November 2007

Find A Toilet By Text

415758321_271358ede1_m.jpgIt happens at the worst of times, always. You'll be in that changing room of Topshop, jeans straddled around your hips, or on that tube platform, waiting for a train with a requisite five minute delay and then it strikes you - the urge to pee. Out of your comfort zone (the zone of knowing where the nearest cubicle is), the fear magnifies tenfold. You could surreptitiously enter that local restaurant, and negotiate the humiliation of being turned away. Or ... you could simply text "toilet" to 80097 and Westminster City Council will navigate the nearest one for you.

Londonist loves this idea (we wished last week for ubiquitous public toilets, so this comes a decent second best). And it's simple - using the latest mobile technology, people who wish to subscribe to this service pay a mere 25p for a system beautifully named SatLav, and voila, info on the nearest and available toilets sent to your phone. In addition, due to certain Oxford Street and Victoria superstores registering their own facilities through the scheme, even those with delicate rear-ends can appreciate the service.

Now that's what we call perfect peeing.

Photo from Delox - :: SK :: EU ::'s flickr photostream