All this attention on Lily means her poor old dad hardly gets a look in. That should change when the new series of Robin Hood kicks off later in the year. Keith Alan gets the plum role as The Sherriff of Nottingham and while he may not entirely surpass good old Alan Rickman's turn in the Costner movie, from the clips up on the site he does seem to overshadow the rather flimsy looking Jonas Armstrong as the hooded hero.
Patrick Troughton's grandson is also in the mix as Much and although Marion's already been cast we wouldn't be too surprised if Lily pops up at some point in the future if this turns out to be a hit.
You can never have enough strings to your bow, eh?
In other BBC news Mavis has been cast as a villain called Lady Thaw in the next season of Doctor Who.
We're not even going to try and take the piss anymore as RTD seems more than capable of doing the job for us.