How long has this been going on? The Yellow Pages website is now accepting colloquial search terms.
For example, if you type in 'Joanna' you will be rewarded with a list of London-bases piano dealers and music teachers.
Type in 'dog and bone' and you get to choose from call centres, telephone repairs, mobile phone hire and any number of telecommunications-related services in the capital.
Other phrases you can use include 'Tit for Tat' (hats), 'Peckham Rye' (ties), Rosy Lea (tea), and of course 'cabbie'.
And it's not just London, there's Local Lingo lists for Yorkshire (barm cakes), Liverpool (kecks), Newcastle (sarnies), and even the geographically non-specific such as boozer.
Ok, so it's not exactly going to change our lives, but as promotional gimmicks go we think it's pretty Robin Hood.
For all your rhyming slang needs, Londonist recommends CockneyRhymingSlang.co.uk.