Tomorrow Is Pay Day

By Rob Last edited 240 months ago

Last Updated 24 February 2005

Tomorrow Is Pay Day

According to the TUC tomorrow is payday for Londoners, due to the fact that we do so much unpaid overtime.

"Friday is the first day that the average long hours employee would get paid if they did all their unpaid overtime at the start of the year," the organisation explains before urging everyone to make tomorrow ‘Work your Proper Hours Day’ (are you seriously telling us that was the catchiest name they could come up with?)

If you want to adhere to Work Your Proper Hours Day you should start on time, take a proper lunch break and leave work when you should, and the TUC is also encouraging managers to "use the day to say a proper thank you to staff for all their unpaid extra work and take them out for a coffee or cocktail after work."

It will be interesting to see how many companies actually take up the TUC's suggestions, especially as one of the most 'overworked professions' is farmers (8 hours 54 minutes overtime a week, worth just over £2,500 a year on average apparently). Londonist is looking forward to seeing large groups of farmers out and about in the cocktail bars of the West End tomorrow night.

If you want to see how unpaid and overworked your particular profession is you can check out the unpaid overtime league table here (PDF document).