Election Night Viewing Parties In London: Watch The Results Come In With A Drink Or Three

Last Updated 18 June 2024

Election Night Viewing Parties In London: Watch The Results Come In With A Drink Or Three
Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer and a cartoon beer between them
Image: © UK Parliament/Maria Unger via creative commons/Canva

You've cast your vote. You've had your fill of cute dogs outside polling stations. Now you want to watch the general election results unfold with a well-deserved drink or two.

We're rounding up the best UK election night viewing parties in London on 4 July 2024. It's still early days but we'll add more as they're announced.

All night screening and feasting @ Cinnamon Club

A stone's milkshake's throw from the seat of government itself lies upmarket curry house Cinnamon Club —housed in the former Westminster Library — and it's pulling out all the stops, beaming live coverage of the election from early evening through till mid-morning the next day! Toast victory with tandoori lamb, or commiserate with a chicken rezala. No need to buy a ticket, just book a table. 6pm-11am

Politico Election Night Watch Party

Publication Politico is planning an Election Night Watch Party, hosted by Brunswick, with a drinks reception, live results coverage, and insight from a panel of experts including Politico's reporting team, pollsters and historians. You can apply to attend. From 7pm

A posh dining room surrounded by library
Posh curry and a landslide, anyone? Cinnamon Club in Westminster is going all night (and through to the next morning)

Election screening @ Big Penny Social, Walthamstow

The Beer Mile beer hall whacks up the election coverage on its big screen, and invites you to watch for free, though you might need a pint or two to steady the nerves. They close at midnight, although there may already be a clear picture by the exit poll just after 10pm. 8pm-midnight

Trouble Club Election Night Special, Kindred Hammersmith

Trouble Club — a networking group covering everything from politics to fiction (although these days what's the difference, am I right!) — takes over Kindred Hammersmith for a night of results on the big screen, speakers throughout the night (such as but not necessarily including Marina Purkiss), grazing boards and drinkies. If you happen to be a member of Trouble Club, tickets are £18. Otherwise it's a significantly spendier £40. From 8pm

Election Night @ The Lexington, Pentonville

Nowt on their website at the moment, but the Lexington — usually a fab music venue — turns its gaze to politics for the night of 4 July/morning of 5 July, according to its Twitter account, with big screens showing the coverage on two floors. It's first come first served, and they're going till LATE... or should that be early? 9pm-4am/5am

Exale Taproom General Election Viewing Party, Walthamstow

The excellent Exale Taproom on the Blackhorse Beer Mile invites you to sup a couple of pints of their delish brews, while Clive Myrie and Laura Kuenssberg jabber on in the background. The folks here are pinning their political colours to their lapels: if Labour have a majority at the exit polls, certain drinks will plummet to 1997 prices. Things can only get wetter, etc. 9pm-12am

Count Binface enjoys a pint with Antoine de Caunes of Eurotrash fame. Image: Count Binface
Maybe you'll spend election night sharing a pint with Count Binface, as Antoine de Caunes of Eurotrash fame is here. Image: Count Binface

Count Binface Election Party, Gunnersbury

The Chiswick Calendar reports that the Gunnersbury pub in *checks notes* Gunnersbury is hosting an election night party themed around local politician Count Binface (we interviewed him a little while back — he actually has some sound policies). There'll be a quiz, political themed games, drinking games, and cardboard cutouts of party leaders to pose with. We'd also hope that Count Binface himself will make an appearance, although maybe he'll be too busy campaigning to reposition the hand-dryer in the gents' toilet at the Crown & Treaty in Uxbridge. The Gunnersbury has applied for a 2am licence. 10pm-2am